A large clinical study of 1800 couples in nine countries proves use of antiretroviral drugs by HIV-positive individuals "can reduce transmission of the virus to partners by 96%" ("Anti-HIV Drugs Prove Highly Effective in Preventing Transmission of Virus," Los Angeles Times, May 13, 2011). However, the uninsured are on waiting lists for these types of drugs due to a lack of government funding.
Review selected library titles related to HIV and AIDS at LSC-CyFair Branch Library. Click the title of a listed item, select the "Request" button in the listing, and enter your library card number and PIN for each title you want to reserve for pick up at the library. Call the library at 281-290-3219 to check your PIN if you do not remember it. Use these subject words and phrases to find more in the library catalog:
- AIDS (disease)
- HIV infections
call number: 614.599 Dow
"In broad strokes, the authors cover the transmission and diagnosis of the disease, how drugs are researched and introduced on the market, and the humble and elaborate initiatives that have been so successful in Botswana: circumcision as well as HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy)." - Publishers Weekly review excerpt
The HIV Pandemic: Local and Global Implications edited by Eduard J. Beck ... [et al.]; managing editor, Lynn-Marie Holland - Oxford University Press, 2008.
call number: 362.196 Hiv
"This ambitious book, written by 165 authors from 30 countries, offers a multi-country comparative study that examines how the response to the common, global threat of HIV is shaped by the history, culture, institutions and health systems of the individual countries affected. Increasingly the shift of health systems has been from prevention only as the main containment strategy, to a strategy that includes scaling up HIV treatment, and care and prevention services, including antiretroviral therapy." - publishers summary excerpt
call number: 614.599 Whi
"HIV/AIDS is without doubt the worst epidemic to hit humankind since the Black Death. . .Despite rapid scientific advances there is still no cure and the drugs are expensive and toxic. In the developing world, especially in parts of Africa, life expectancy has plummeted to below 35 years. . .There have been unprecedented breakthroughs in understanding diseases and developing drugs. . . This Very Short Introduction tackles the science, the international and local politics, the fascinating demographics, and the devastating consequences of the disease, and suggests how we must respond." - publishers summary excerpt