Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Gap Narrowing between Women's and Men's Income

Women whose careers began last year found that they were paid 93% of what men received, based on a study from the Pew Research Center. This figure is in stark contrast to 1980 where women only made 67% of men's salaries ("Salaries of ‘Millennial’ Women Reach 93 Percent of Men’s," Bloomberg News, December 10, 2013). This report was released in the same week that General Motors announced that Mary Barra would become their first female CEO in January 2014.

Review selected library titles related to women and wages at LSC-CyFair Branch Library. Click the title of a listed item, select the "Request" button in the listing, and enter your library card number and PIN for each title you want to reserve for pick up at the library.

Use these subject words and phrases to find more in the library catalog:
  • equal pay for equal work
  • pay equity
  • wages women
  • women executives
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg with Nell Scovell - Knopf, 2013.
call number: 306.848 Pie
"Sandberg's awareness of how few women hold positions of power in today's companies has increased her determination to help women advance. This book offers her take on ways for women to improve their situation, such as being more self-confident, acquiring a mentor, remaining engaged, getting more help at home, etc."  - Library Journal review excerpt

Fifty Years after the Equal Pay Act: Assessing the Past,Taking Stock of the Future - National Equal Pay Task Force, 2013. call number: online government document
"After reviewing five decades of data, the report addresses the status of equal pay for women today, the pay gap and other persistent challenges that remain in light of the fact that continued momentum has stalled in recent years. In  the final section entitled,  “2010 and Beyond,” the report reflects on the efforts of President Barack Obama’s Administration to eliminate the pay gap and on the federal equal pay agenda moving forward." - report excerpt