reports on October 24, 2008 that the Federal Reserve is trying to improve economic conditions by "allowing Wall Street firms to borrow directly" from them, but Congress will need to offer other proposals beyond the $700 billion bailout to help state/local governments and the auto industry among others ("Throwing the Bathroom Sink at the Economy"). Beyond the United States, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is reviewing how to help the ailing economies of Hungary, Iceland, Pakistan, Belarus, and Ukraine. However, the article suggests that drastic measures may be needed to make significant changes in the economic forecast.
Review selected library titles related to how the United States and the world arrived at this economic crisis and potential solutions to the issues at LSC-CyFair Branch Library. Click the title of a book, select the "Request" button in the listing, and enter your library card number and PIN for each title you want to reserve for pick up at the library. Call the library at 281-290-3218 to check your PIN if you do not remember it. Use these subject words to find more in the library catalog:
Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism by Kevin Phillips - Viking, 2008
call number: 330.973 Phi
The Economists' Voice: Top Economists Take on Today's Problems edited by Joseph E. Stiglitz, Aaron S. Edlin, and J. Bradford DeLong - Columbia University Press, 2008
call number: 330.905 Eco
What Is the Future of the U.S. Economy? edited by Susan C. Hunnicutt - Greenhaven Press, 2008
call number: 330.973 Wha
The Trillion Dollar Meltdown: Easy Money, High Rollers, and the Great Credit Crash by Charles R. Morris - PublicAffairs, 2008
call number: 332.041 Mor
Review selected library titles related to how the United States and the world arrived at this economic crisis and potential solutions to the issues at LSC-CyFair Branch Library. Click the title of a book, select the "Request" button in the listing, and enter your library card number and PIN for each title you want to reserve for pick up at the library. Call the library at 281-290-3218 to check your PIN if you do not remember it. Use these subject words to find more in the library catalog:
- United States economic conditions 21st century
- United States economic policy 21 century
- financial crises United States
call number: 330.973 Phi
call number: 330.905 Eco
call number: 330.973 Wha
call number: 332.041 Mor
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