Review selected hard copy and online library books related to domestic violence at LSC-CyFair Branch Library. Click the title of a listed item, select the "Request" button in the listing, and enter your library card number and PIN for each title you want to reserve for pick up at the library.
Use these subject words and phrases to find more in the library catalog:
- abused women
- family violence
- intimate partner violence
(3:12 minutes) from the Films on Demand video database - Films Media Group, 2013.
Note: Login with your My LoneStar login or Lone Star College ID/library card barcode number to view the video off campus.

Domestic Violence edited by Louise I. Gerdes
Greenhaven, 2012.
call number: 362.829 Dom
Hunter House, 2011.
call number: 362.829 Whi
"It's the story of one woman's ordeal with an abusive husband and how she gained the strength to leave him and thrive in a new life with her children. Noted women's advocate Kelly White unsparingly revisits the dark periods of her husband's irrational, violent moods. Her narrative makes clear why women often stay in such situations." - and also how to end them.
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